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Beds from out west are the best!

Updated: May 19, 2022

Parts from the western states are cleaner than all other super duty parts you can get. The higher elevation in the mountains creates less moisture and humidity in the air causing less rust on the vehicles. From bumpers, tailgates, doors, and beds, the parts are just cleaner. Hands down.

Some may say Ford, Chevy, and Ram heavy duty truck parts are best to get from the south or Texas. The issue you can run into with southern parts is that they may have been exposed to salt from the ocean air. Oil city parts obtains their parts from an area of the country that has zero exposure to salt. whether its in the air or on the roads, western states are not exposed because use sand on the roads and are located nowhere near the ocean

call or text 248-921-8550 for any super duty parts including bed bumper door and tailgate. WE CARRY MANY TRUCK PARTS FOR FORD, GM, AND RAM AT OIL CITY BUMPER CO


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